Trying to start yet-another-blog on a whim. I wonder sometimes if my hobbies would stick more if I wanted them longer. But I'm such a creature of instant gratification with most news acquired by my RSS feeds headlines, most debates won with a quick Wikipedia search and updates from my family received in 140 characters or less. (Though not arguing about that last one-- sometimes family contact is best when limited to Facebook updates.)
There's definitely something to be said for longer journal entries (The ability to fully plumb the depths of a concept, for example.) but keeping it up has always been a problem. I like to think that it's because I have to cultivate writing regularly the same way I cultivated smoking when I was 15-- I have to keep at it until it's a habit. Forcing myself to do it because, by god, how awesome will it be when all the other kids find out I'm a blogger? Until one day I'll find myself waiting for that moment in the week when I can sneak off by myself and fully sink into a good topic.
Maybe the smoking reference was a poor choice. (And does anyone think blogging is cool anymore?) Oh well, fuck it.
The last time I had a personal blog, I was 16 and very serious about every single thing that happened to me in a day. I had thousand-word posts about tripe and crap. You can be sure I locked that sucker down the moment I became self-aware enough to realize how stuck up my own ass I was. I haven't gone back. (Maybe I should print it all out and put it on my mantel as a cautionary tale.) But it was nice to have a space where anything was allowed. It wasn't a videogame review site or a political commentary blog or chapters or a novel or any other of the restricted blogs I've started and then forgotten about. A place for everything in one big, disorganized mess. Yes, that's much more my style.