Once my summer class finished, I promptly took off to cram as much summer holiday I could into the two weeks before the fall session started. (Spoiler: Fall session started this week.) This included a week-and-a-half's worth of cajun food crammed into a long weekend (NOLA pictures being compiled) and a fabulous week tromping around Austin with a favored aunt. (Tip: Wander around your city or the nearest city for a few days as if you are a tourist. You'll generally find that your city is a lot more interesting than you thought it was. Exception: Phoenix. Nothing good happens in there.)
The aunt left, the diet has been blown and classes have started. I do make vaguely elated trilling noises at the concept of certain things: nerd conventions, morbid victorian-esque ballads, getting a robot body, cupcakes, etc. Fully devoting oneself to studying of things can be added to that list. My brain has been in a constant state at /cheer since classes started. And while broad general studies are big fun (Huge fun. Like a bouncy castle in zero gravity kind of fun.) the knowledge that I will soon need to choose one set of things has me nervously fretting. How do you choose just one thing? Or just two things even? There are so many spectaculary awesome things to learn and do, the concept is impossible in my mind.
The husband tells me that as I take more classes, there will be some topics that will have me gleefully bouncing and explaining at 800 words a minute, and there will be some topics that will have me shrugging and recounting. I'm supposing that my fretting is this-side-of-schooling worries. That when I get to the other side of this adventure it'll make sense. But right now I feel like I'm in a candy store and I'm sugared up on knowledge. Not a terrible problem to have.
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